Localization also called i18n refers to the process of adapting a video game or application to different languages, regions, and cultural preferences to make it accessible and appealing to players worldwide. This involves translating in-game text, subtitles, audio, and sometimes even adjusting cultural references, symbols, or images to suit the target audience.
Imagine playing a game in English, and then someone in Japan wants to enjoy it too. Localization ensures that the game is not only translated into Japanese but also that the overall gaming experience feels natural and engaging for Japanese players. It's like tailoring the game to fit seamlessly into different cultural contexts.
Localization in Unity
Also Localization is important, Unity lacks direct built-in support for localization; therefore, the localization process needs to be carried out manually, taking the following considerations into account:
Text Replacement: (Manual Effort) Without a dedicated localization package, you need to handle text replacement manually. This involves creating and managing separate files or scripts for each language, which can be time-consuming.
Asset Management: (No Automated System) You'll need to devise your own system to organize and switch out assets based on language, requiring additional scripting and organization.
Localization Scripts: (Custom Coding) Writing custom scripts to handle localization tasks means more lines of code and potentially more intricate logic to ensure that the correct assets and text are loaded for each language.
Localization Files: (Manual File Handling) You have to manage translation files (CSV, JSON, ...) manually. Coordinating with translators and integrating their work into the project becomes a more hands-on process.
Developers have to invest more time and effort in coding, file management, and coordination to achieve the same level of localization functionality that a dedicated package would offer out of the box. That's where EasyLocalization comes in handy.
EasyLocalization aims to make localization a straightforward process. Its user-friendly interface and seamless integration capabilities allow you to effortlessly expand the reach of your game or application globally. By addressing and eliminating above mentioned problems, EasyLocalization removes the manual work, enabling you and your development team to allocate more time and attention to the creative and developmental aspects of your project.
Key features
Integrated Workflow: The package seamlessly integrates into the Unity Editor, providing a centralized hub for managing and organizing localized content, making the development process more convenient.
In-Editor Preview: Developers benefit from a built-in preview feature, allowing them to visualize how the game will appear and sound in various languages without the need for constant builds, streamlining the testing phase.
Asset Organization: The package provides a structured approach to handling localized assets, from text to images and audio, offering a systematic way to manage different versions for each supported language.
Export/Import Support: Collaboration with translators is simplified through the package's support for exporting and importing localization packages, making it easier to coordinate with external teams.
Automated Translation: Leveraging DeepL allows for the automatic translation of pre-existing text or real-time translation as it is being generated.
Customization: Easily expandable to cover additional asset types or adjust the code base if desired.
Test Coverage: With 90% test coverage ensuring that the codebase is tested, potential bugs or issues are identified and address before shipping.
Demo: Featuring multiple demos to ensure a shallow learning curve, ensuring that EasyLocalization is accessible and easy to understand.