Punisher - Mirror or Flip Camera (Pro)
A small punishment could affect the camera. For example, by shaking, mirroring or flipping the camera.
This is exactly the task of the 'FlipCameraPunisher', which can be found in the namespace 'GUPS.AntiCheat.Punisher'. The punisher flips the camera view horizontally or vertically. Can be very annoying for cheaters in first person shooters.
How To Use
The usage is quite simple, attach the 'FlipCameraPunisher' to a child GameObject of the 'AntiCheat-Monitor' and adjust the reaction threat level.
Add Punisher Component
Add the 'FlipCameraPunisher' MonoBehavior from the 'GUPS.AntiCheat.Punisher' namespace to your 'AntiCheat-Monitor' GameObject or better to a child GameObject.
Add the 'FlipCameraPunisher' as Component.
Once the 'AntiCheat Monitor' has reached the threat level that triggers the punisher, it will notify him and the punishment will be performed.